Author: Mitchel Plaisted

The Tale of Two Dreams

I believe that prophetic ministry is needed in the body of Christ today. However, I also believe that much of the current prophetic ministry in the church suffers from a thorn that significantly cripples its effectiveness. Namely, this is the failure to clearly distinguish between what is from God and what is from the prophet … [Read More]

New World Order

I believe that prophetic ministry is needed in the body of Christ today. However, I also believe that much of the current prophetic ministry in the church suffers from a thorn that significantly cripples its effectiveness. Namely, this is the failure to clearly distinguish between what is from God and what is from the prophet … [Read More]

Ethics & Reality

Science says we need to read the Bible. Well, that is if we want to avoid killing each other. The reason for this is that an ethic is required to perceive anything, including reality. Now I am not the one who came up with this idea … [Read More]

Garden to Graves – Part 2

If we look at verses 8-9 and 15-17 of Genesis 2, we find the following words: “8 And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed. … [Read More]

Garden to Graves – Part 1

When one talks about gun control in America, I find it is best to start by establishing what our founders intended and then talk about if things should change. There are two passages of our founding documents that I find relevant. The first is the 2nd Amendment: “A well regulated Militia… [Read More]

War, Brokenness, Good News

When you look at the world around you it is impossible to ignore the plan fact that we live in a broken place. It is something we all must face – sooner or later especially as a follower of Jesus Christ. The question is what our response to the brokenness we face is going to be? Will we ignore the brokenness? Pretend it is not there? Keep running from it? – Will we try and fix it? Throwing money – time – our sympathy at it – until we hope it goes away? Or -really- until we can feel good about what we have done to help. … [READ MORE]

Christmas Dreams

In the gospel of Matthew, we find an account of the birth of Jesus. It is a little different from the others as the beginning of it is more from Joseph’s perspective. It tells us of how he and Mary were betrothed and when she was found to be with child, he planned to quietly put her away. However, then he had a dream in which an angel told him to take Mary as his wife, as her child was conceived by the Holy Spirit. It is quite an amazing story. There is however a question that I think is worth asking. Did Joseph have dreams? … [READ MORE]

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